- As a fourth year statistic student, my PLN is formed by my peers and instructors from my different classes. We communicate through Email most of the time and sometimes using google docs for group work. This existing PLN is diverse in the sense that it has people with different knowledge backgrounds so that everyone is unique in the group. In my PLN, I always learn from a variety of voices. In my opinion, everyone has unique thoughts toward a certain topic that may from a different perspective. I would always like to hear different voices, and expand my knowledge or think on different thoughts from others. I think I can always learn a lot from listening to others’ thoughts. For example, we are assigned to groups to work on a coding project, everyone would have a different way of forming the answer toward a question. There are many ways to solve on a same question. By discussing with my term members, I could have learned an easier and more clear method. It is helpful for me to deepen my understanding of this question. During the discussion, I also consolidated what I had learned into practical.
I like to explore new fields. The Internet has always been the place where I gained more information about a new field. Through social media, I can read others’ comments and thoughts, and exchange ideas, which is a great way to broaden my views. In addition to listen to others’ viewpoints, we also need to express own idea to others, and gain feedbacks to build on existing knowledge. In a diverse PLN, there are people with different gaps, we view things differently. Whereas inclusion, we are accepting the different in the diversity. I think the most important is to hear different perspectives from different people and embrace them. In my daily life, my peers are always actively share thoughts and ask questions wether it is my statistic classes nor my other classes. Learning is a process of adapting and sharing where we adapt new concept and sharing what we have learned and learn it again.- After reviewing the videos and readings, I totally agree with what shelly said as everyone is a teacher. Everyone thinks so differently and there are no wrong and right. We are learning from people around us, being open-minded is important for adapt diversity and inclusion.

October 9, 2021
Lawrence He
October 15, 2021 — 1:43 pm
I like the example you gave, the coding project. Listening and learning from others is really important, and everyone have their prospective on the matter.