Blog Post #6

Explore the video provided and reflect on the themes and questions below reflecting on how you would curate your social media with a critical public audience.

– Identify the risks and benefits of engaging with a public audience in a media space – what are the risks for a public figure or person in a position of trust (educator, lawyer, government official)?

In recent years, social media has became the main source for people to gain varies information. With the widespread use of social media, the risks and benefits of engaging in social media are get concerned by public. First of all, the freedom of expression on social media has led to the dissemination of false information by people with bad intentions. False information can influence people’s judgment of a certain incident. There is a high probability that false information will generate public opinion and thus enable the disseminator to achieve their purposes. In addition, When users are using social media, their information always leaves trace online. Some people can purposefully search our personal information on social media. Scammers will get your information through your interactions on social media to send you scam messages or scam calls. Those who receive the scams message will be bothered, and some people may believe it, which resulting in property loss. In contrast, social media also brings many benefits and convenience. There are many knowledgeable and intelligent people on social media. By interacting with these people on the Internet, we can learn useful information and also solve our questions. People can also get a more comprehensive understanding of the question from a different perspective, because we can read others perspective.

Different people have different purposes for using social media. Public figures have limitations of what they want to post because their social media is followed by many people. Usually, the statements made by public figures are usually influenced by the current situation. If public figures wants to make a statement, their team will help the person make it, with the goal of giving the public figure the maximum benefit. For example, businessman can make money and politicians can get public support. On the other side, when the public figures post out on a sensitive topic, their comments will be seen by many people, which may lead to negative consequences.

How do notable individuals use social media?

Notable individuals are usually have millions of followers. Their followers are very concerned about what they post, liking and commenting their posts. They mainly use social media to interact with their followers. Being in the public eye with millions of followers, they usually post things of their daily life in order to attract more fans, thus to promote something to profit from advertising. In addition, brand activists sometimes ask them to publish some activities through their social media platforms to get more attention. Through social media platforms, notable individuals are able to build a network to maximize profits.

– How to best address negative replies and critiques reflective of your personal values and employer social media policy?

There are many restrictions and benefits in term of build community with online tools provided by the employer. For benefits, it is easier to build a useful community because we can invited our colleagues and employers, they are the people with similar background and similar goals. For restrictions, people in the community are not very diverse, because they work for a same company with similar work experience. In addition, we also have restrictions on what I want to post in the community, because people in the community are the people around us. We will have a hard time achieving freedom of speech because of afraid of people who knows us will make judgement.

– Delivering information in a connected society requires verifiable resources, how to build a PLN to rely on? && How do those, who are veteran storytellers, minimize risk in sharing misinformation?

Before building a PLN, ensure to have a group of people who with similar interests that we already build a connection with is important. By communicating with anyone we selected people who posted the right information and avoid scanners. In this way we would have a high quality PLN. At the same time, we also need to ensure that what we posted is reliable and correct, so that others think we are trustworthy people and like to build connection with us.

As a veteran storytellers, to minimize risk in sharing misinformation, it is very important to publish evidence-based stories. In addition, avoid posting sensitive topics and evaluate some controversial topics fairly and objectively

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