Post #9

What is media literacy?

Media literacy is “refers to the medium of delivering messages (print, graphics, animation, audio, video, Web sites, and so on), the crafting of the message for a particular medium—the graphic “look and feel” of a Web site,” stated by Trilling& Fadel (2009, p66). JULIE SMITH explained media literacy as being able to think critically the purpose behind every post and take the information in the posts objectively.

– Why is it important?

Media literacy allows us access to information by different means, which also allows us to understand more and better with different information. It keeps us from being influenced by misinformation or biased information. For example, a subjective post with emotional overtones was posted online and received a lot of attention, having median literacy helps us to identifies these negative and emotional overtones and being able to see the information objectively.

– Why is it dismissed?

As JULIE SMITH mentioned in the interview, the important of media literacy has not known by many people, and not even gotten a proper name. However, Internet media is popular and millions of things are posted everyday, many people view information without being aware of media literacy and negatively influenced by some bad posts.

– Why should you aim for varied views but the factual consensus in your PLN?

A diverse PLN is formed by varied views from different people with different perceptive. In such a premise, a topic can be fully explored and people in the PLN can think more from different perceptive and able to connect them with own point of view. In this process, the knowledge of a question is complemented. However, all views need to be based on the factual consensus, making sure that people will not be misleading with false information with strong personal bias.

Trilling, B., & Fadel, C. (2009). 21st century skills: Learning for life in our times. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Media Literacy – Facts Matter – Course YouTube Channel

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